我团队博士后秦雅鑫在一区期刊 Water Research上发表综述性论文 |
2018年3月16日 近日,广东工业大学环境健康与污染控制研究院、环境科学与工程学院安太成教授团队博士后秦雅鑫在一区期刊Water Research上发表了题目为《Persistent free radicals in carbon-based materials on transformation of refractory organic contaminants (ROCs) in water: A critical review》的综述类学术论文。该论文系统阐述了碳材料中持久性自由基的形成及其介导的难降解有机污染物降解机理方面的最新研究进展,并指出了碳材料在自然界中污染物的迁移转化过程的重要作用。碳材料因含有大量的持久性自由基,可以作为光催化剂催化降解有机污染物,还可以活化分子氧、臭氧双氧水、过硫酸盐以及硫化氢、二硫苏糖醇等氧化还原剂氧化还原降解有机污染物。此外,碳材料中的持久性自由基还能直接还原4-硝基苯酚。广泛存在于空气、土壤、冰川以及河流、湖泊、海洋沉积物等各种环境介质的碳材料必然会参与有机污染物的迁移转化过程,因此,深入理解碳材料中持久性自由基的形成机理及其与难降解有机污染物之间的相互作用机制,将会为自然界有机污染物迁移转化过程提供重要信息,也为环境修复技术提供了新契机。 下附摘要: Abstract:With the increased concentrations and kinds of refractory organic contaminants (ROCs) in aquatic environments, many previous reviews systematically summarized the applications ofcarbon-based materials in the adsorption and catalytic degradation of ROCs for theireconomically viable and environmentally friendly behavior. Interestingly, recent studiesindicated that carbon-based materials in natural environment can also mediate thetransformation of ROCs directly or indirectly due to their abundant persistent free radicals(PFRs). Understanding the formation mechanisms of PFRs in carbo-based materials and theirinteractions with ROCs is essential to develop their further applications in environmentremediation. However, there is no comprehensive review so far about the direct and indirectremoval of ROCs mediated by PFRs in amorphous, porous and crystalline carbon-basedmaterials. The review aims to evaluate the formation mechanisms of PFRs in carbon-basedmaterials synthesized through pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization processes. Theinfluence of synthesis conditions (temperature and time) and carbon sources on the types aswell as the concentrations of PFRs in carbon-based materials are also discussed. In particular,the effects of metals on the concentrations and types of PFRs in carbon-based materials arehighlighted because they are considered as the catalysts for the formation of PFRs. Theformation mechanisms of reactive species and the further transformation mechanisms ofROCs are briefly summarized, and the surface properties of carbon-based materials includingsurface area, types and number of functional groups, etc. are found to be the key parameterscontrolling their activities. However, due to diversity and complexity of carbon-basedmaterials, the exact relationships between the activities of carbon-based materials and PFRs are still uncertain. Finally, the existing problems and current challenges for the ROCstransformation with carbon-based materials are also pointed out.